Saggy belly surgery + the best cosmetic surgeon

Tummy tuck surgery is the best solution to remove excess skin on the abdomen and in the long run it strengthens the muscles in this area of ​​the body. Abdominoplasty is a very suitable method for having a beautiful body and returning the body to its original form. For this surgery, we recommend that you visit specialist doctors, including Dr. Karamatullah Torabi, the best plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Tehran.

عوارض جراحی شکم شل و افتاده | دکتر کرامت الله ترابی

One of the important reasons for abdominoplasty surgery is sagging of the abdominal skin after childbirth and losing a lot of weight. In some women, after pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are greatly damaged and many wrinkles will appear on the skin. For this reason, abdominal surgery is the only solution to this problem. In the article loose and saggy stomach surgery + the best cosmetic surgeon, we will discuss this issue more.

Surgical methods for loose and saggy stomach
Loose and sagging abdomen surgery should be performed under the supervision of a specialist doctor who is fully familiar with the surgical procedures. This procedure must be performed under general anesthesia and usually takes between 2 and 3 hours. Two incisions are made during surgery:

1- A cut from the hip bone to the thigh bone on the other side near the lower abdomen

2- Another incision around the navel to change its position

After making an incision, the doctor separates the skin of the abdomen and pulls the abdominal muscle to the other side so that the skin of the side and abdomen is firmly in place. A skin flap is placed over the muscles and excess skin is removed. After the operation, the navel is moved to another place to make it look normal. At this stage, the cuts should be stitched and the scars should be bandaged. For abdominal cosmetic surgery, doctors use the following types of methods:

Full abdominoplasty method

If there is a lot of excess skin on the abdomen, this method is very suitable. During this surgery, the doctor makes an incision from one side of the pelvic bone to the other side of the bone near the pubic area. Then he removes the excess skin and fat and cuts above the navel and pulls it down. Finally, it tightens both sides of the abdomen. Sometimes it is necessary to change the location of the navel to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Mini abdominoplasty method
Abdominoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure with shorter incisions. This method is ideal for people who only have excess fat and skin in the lower abdomen. This type of operation causes smaller wounds and less recovery time. The surgeon just makes a small incision above the navel and pubic area to remove excess skin.

Endoscopic endominoplasty method
Endoscopic abdominoplasty is one of the best ways to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. If there is a need to tighten the abdominal wall muscles, this method is the most suitable option. In this method, the doctor makes small incisions on the skin and uses special equipment to tighten the abdominal muscles.

A suitable candidate for sagging abdomen surgery
This surgery is the best option for people who have abdominal folds. This method will also be a very good solution for people who have lost a lot of weight or have a sagging stomach.

In addition, people whose navel is slightly oval and round use this method. The doctor helps to solve this problem by changing the navel area and creating a new place for it.

Complications of sagging abdomen surgery
Abdominal surgery, like any other cosmetic surgery, has its own complications. To reduce these side effects, we recommend that you visit a specialist and experienced doctor. Common side effects of this method include the following:
the pain

1- Bleeding

2- Incidence of infection at the wound site

3- The possibility of blood clots

In addition to these risks, you may also experience complications from surgery, which include the following:

1- Asymmetry of cuts

2- Skin necrosis

3- Swelling and inflammation

4- Constant pain and numbness

5- Risk of embolism

Dr. Karmatullah Torabi; The best abdominal cosmetic surgeon
Abdominal surgery is one of the most complicated cosmetic surgeries. Doctors usually recommend this type of surgery as a last resort, and if the belly is too loose after giving birth and losing weight, this method will be the best option. Therefore, you must visit a specialist doctor who has a history of such surgery.

Dr. Karamatullah Torabi, a specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery in Tehran, performs abdominal surgery to remove excess skin in this area through a variety of methods, including tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck and endoscopic abdominoplasty.

Summary of contents

Loose and saggy belly surgery is the best solution for people who have a lot of sagging belly skin after giving birth or losing a lot of weight. Like other methods, this surgery has its own complications, including infection, bleeding, and even embolism. Skilled and experienced doctors choose the best surgical method for patients by using the best medical techniques and performing the necessary examinations.

Therefore, we recommend that you visit Dr. Karamatullah Torabi, the best cosmetic surgeon in Tehran, who has a history of successful surgeries, to perform this procedure. For face-to-face consultation and information in this field, contact the numbers listed on the main page of the system.

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